A Closer Look at What Kids Learn in Kindergarten

Kindergarten classrooms

Are you considering enrolling your child into any of the many popular kindergartens near Novena? If yes, are you wondering about what he is going to learn while he is there?

If you enroll your child into a good kindergarten, you can be confident that he will learn the basics in Math, English, possibly a second language, and many more that will help him in his later years in primary school.

Presently, the curriculum of most kindergarten is somewhat similar, but if you take a close look at them, you will find out that they focus on different subjects.

In this article, we willbetaking a close look at some of the things your child will learn while in kindergarten.

Shapes of Objects

The focus of most kindergartens in Singapore is to help kids learn the basics.

One of the first things your little one will learn is how to describe and identify common shapes like triangle, rectangle, circle, and square. After a couple of months in kindergarten, your child will be able to classify objects by shape, color, and size. 

As a parent, it is your responsibility to help your toddler become grounded in the various subjects he is taught in school.

Here are some things you can do to help your kid become more conversant with shapes.

  • Encourage your child to sort Legos by shape and color.
  • Tell him to describe common shapes.
  • Ask him to differentiate one shape from another.
  • Tell him to draw the shapes he knows on paper.

Numbers and Math

Kindergarten helps little kids recognize, write and count numbers orderly up to the number 30. Many kindergartens go the extra mile and teach kids how to subtract and add. Your child is going to be taught more about addition and subtraction as he progresses through school.

Even if you aren’t a Math guru, there are a few things you can do to help your child master the basics. Here are a few of them.

  • Ask your child to find the number 1 through 30 in a book or newspaper. If his hands are steady, you can ask him to cut out the numbers and glue them on paper in the right order.
  • During your free time, you can play the “what come next” game with your kid. Give your child a number and ask him to tell you the number that comes next after it.
  • You can make the learning process fun by asking your child to count the number of toys and stuff animals.

Writing and Linguistics

In kindergarten, toddlers are taught how to write simple words like bag, cat, mat, dog, and so on. They are also taught how to construct simple and concise sentences like- The ball is in the bag.

You can help your child write better by buying writing materials like paper, pencils, crayons, and markers he will need to practice all day. You can ask him to read aloud or tell you about the things he has written. You can encourage him to keep working hard by displaying his writing on your fridge.

Final note

Regardless of the Kindergarten you enroll your child in; it is wise that you take a close look at what he will learn there. Inquiring about your child’s curriculum will help you see if what he will be taught resonates with your goals for him.

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By Clayton Chambers

Clayton Chambers is a 29-year-old government politician who enjoys cycling, photography and binge-watching boxed sets. He is kind and caring, but can also be very rude and a bit untidy.